NJB crowns champions and closes season

Players crowd the lane in preparation for a free-throw during the Scripps Ranch NJB Division 1 Girls championship game. (photo by Kristy Cruz)

NJB crowns champions and closes season

Scripps Ranch National Junior Basketball (NJB) recently concluded league play for the 2017-2018 season.

Division 1 tournaments and championship games highlighted the end of the season. Team Kramer won the Division 1 Girls tournament championship and Team Medeiros was the Division 1 Girls runner-up. Team Jewell captured the Division 1 Boys tournament championship and Team Yue/Feldman was the Division 1 Boys runner-up. Division 1 is composed of players in seventh and eighth grades.

Scripps Ranch NJB celebrated the end of its 21st season at closing ceremonies following tournament play. More than 400 boys and girls from grades 3 through 8 participated in the league this season as well as several high school NJB alumni who volunteered their time as coaches and junior board members.

Next, Scripps Ranch NJB All-Star teams will compete in several NJB and AAU post-season tournaments throughout March.

The NJB program is designed to introduce, teach and develop the fundamentals of basketball to youth, as well as to promote good sportsmanship, teamwork and healthy competition. More than 80 percent of the eighth-grade players who are graduating from the program this season have played in NJB since the third grade when they were first eligible. Tania Kramer and Marilou Pennington are the Scripps Ranch NJB chapter directors.

Registration for the 2018-19 season will open on Sept. 1. For more information about the league and competitive teams, email Visit

Members of Team Kramer, Scripps Ranch NJB Division 1 Girls champions, pose following their final tournament victory. (photo by Marilou Pennington)
Players on Team Jewell, the Scripps Ranch NJB Division 1 Boys champions, celebrate following their tournament victory. Coach Brian Jewell has been coaching in the league for more than 12 years and has coached all four of his children. (photo by Marilou Pennington)
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