Club collects 450 pounds of food
The Scripps Ranch Social Justice Club at Scripps Ranch High School (SRHS) held its second Mutual Aid Drive in December 2021 and collected 450 pounds of food, according to club President Priya Kamath.
There were about 250 cans of food, which made up about half of the collection. Around 320 pounds of food was sent to the San Diego Food Bank.
“We wanted to make the greatest impact toward our neighbors in need during this holiday season,” Kamath said. “Specifically, we donated to the San Diego Fridge Projects and the San Diego Food Bank. … We were able to donate most of the drinks and fridge items to the San Diego Fridge Projects.”
The Social Justice Club collected pantry food, canned goods and any other kind of food at locations such as Yogurt Heaven, the Scripps Miramar Ranch Library and some classrooms at SRHS.
This is the second food drive for the club, which was formed two years ago.
“Our main purpose is to create a more educated student body at Scripps Ranch High School and inside our community, but also to use the privilege that we have inside our community to help those that are underserved inside the greater San Diego area,” Kamath said.
Next, the club hopes to host a community yard sale in late March or early April. Members of the community may donate items to be sold, and the profits will be given to worthy nonprofit organizations in San Diego selected by the Social Justice Club.
The club has about 40 members and meets every other Wednesday in Room 900 at SRHS. Meetings are open to all. For the latest updates, follow @socialjusticescrippsranch on Instagram.