“The Real House Cats of Scripps Ranch†Facebook group will soon publish a cat calendar.
Picture Purrrfect: calendar features felines
The adventures of a stray cat named Harley who roams Scripps Ranch, and deposited a kindle (litter) of kittens along the way, are well known.
Harley’s escapades were chronicled daily in “The Real House Cats of Scripps Ranch” Facebook page by Jameylee Nuss. Her 24/7 coverage to corral the elusive queening (pregnant cat) by a small army of volunteer amateur cat wranglers was the cyber-talk of the town.
Before you could say, “What’s new pussycat?” Harley became a celebrity with a cat-cult of human fans following her every adventure as if she were the star of a local soap opera.
Eventually, Harley was wrangled, spayed and brought back to health. All of Harley’s offsprings (dams) were rescued from various backyards, adopted and now have forever homes in Scripps Ranch.
However, that isn’t the end of Harley’s tale.
“So many people followed Harley’s adventures through your article (in Scripps Ranch News) and my posts that our website snowballed into a very big deal,” Nuss said. “The Real House Cats of Scripps Ranch is absolutely thriving. It brought the cat community together as a team and not just a bunch of individuals that own cats.
“A lot of people on the cat site have now become friends, and because of that, we’re doing things as a group. For example, during Christmas we had our first annual cat-themed gift exchange which was an absolute hit that really bonded the cat community together.”
While brainstorming for future projects, Nuss came up with the idea of doing a cat calendar, which was something the creator of the Facebook page also wanted to do. The concept was approved paws-down by the club. It sounded like a picture purrrrfect project for this particular clowder (group of cats).
According to Nuss, the “Real House Cats of Scripps Ranch” Facebook group has grown to 388 members, and every proud cat parent wanted their best friend to be featured on the calendar.
With only 12 months in a year, and more than several years worth of cat snaps submitted, Nuss, in a Solomon-like moment of wisdom, compromised by creating a cat-collage.
“In order to fit everybody’s cat into the calendar, we’ve put together a different grouping of cats for each month,” Nuss said. “We have other cat events coming up … and in February we’re having a birthday party for the famous Harley’s kittens.”
The calendars are for House Cats members only, but all cat lovers are invited to Harley’s kittens’ first annual birthday celebration.
As for mom, Harley hasn’t responded to her RSVP as of yet. After all, with her newly found fame, Harley has people to meet and things to do. Unlike the old days, she is seldom without a place to crash for the night and no matter where she roams, there is always a friendly bowl of cat chow to be had at the end of her journey.