Lemonade Stand Contest deadline nears
The annual Scripps Ranch News Lemonade Stand Photo Contest deadline is approaching. Send in a fun photo of your child’s lemonade stand from this summer. All entry photos will appear in the September print edition of Scripps Ranch News and on ScrippsRanchNews.com. One winner will receive an order of delicious treats as a prize! DETAILS: Email a high resolution photo (300 dpi) of your lemonade stand to info@scrippsranchnews.com. Include location of the stand and date the photo was taken. Include name of photographer and name of those in the photo. No charge to enter. RULES: Photo must have been taken in Scripps Ranch (92131 area). Photo must have been taken some time in May through August 2024. By emailing your photo in, you are agreeing to let Scripps Ranch News publish the photo of the children in the photo. DEADLINE: Sept. 9, 2024.