Authors will visit Scripps Miramar Ranch Library
The month of October will include two special author events for adults and two special author story time events for children at the Scripps Miramar Ranch Library.
• Visit the library on Tuesday, Oct. 1, from 4 to 5 p.m. as author Thomas Wing discusses the origins of his novel “Against All Enemies,” the publishing process and his journey as a writer, followed by a Q&A.
“Against All Enemies” is a Silver Finalist for the American Writing Awards, a Firebird Award Winner for Best Military Fiction and a North American Book Awards Bronze Medal Winner for Military Fiction.
• On Tuesday, Oct. 8, from 4 to 5 p.m., The San Diego Union-Tribune language columnist and humor author Richard Lederer and comic-book publisher/writer/historian Chris Ryall present a colorful discussion of world history, both real and fictional, as seen on the pages of their latest books. They will discuss Lederer’s “American History for Everyone” and Ryall’s “The Mighty Marvel Calendar Book: A Visual History” and his “Origins of Marvel Comics Deluxe Edition.”
• On Saturday, Oct. 5, at 10 a.m., visit the library for a special story time and craft with author Rachell Abalos where she’ll read her book in the Philippines” and share a nipa hut craft. This book is recommended for ages 4-8. Bookmarks and bookplates will be given to attendees, and craft supplies will be distributed on a first-come-first-served basis. Books will be available for purchase on-site for the author to sign/personalize.
• On Friday, Oct. 18, at 10 a.m., the library will host an exclusive story time event with Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Viet Thanh Nguyen. Viet is a Vietnamese-American author and USC professor and English department chair whose debut novel, “The Sympathizer,” won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction. Viet’s children’s book “Simone” is a beautiful picture book, illustrated by Minnie Chan, with an unforgettable story of a Vietnamese-American girl whose life is transformed by a wildfire. When Simone is awakened by her mom as a wildfire threatens their home, it is the beginning of a life-changing journey. This picture book has been described as “stunning.” Books will be available for purchase on-site for the author to sign/personalize.