Blake makes great stakes!
By Ashley Shah
Born and raised in Scripps Ranch, Blake Opstad, 18-years old, started his own business, Blake’s Stakes, just five years ago.
Opstad creates garden markers out of pottery clay. These markers can be placed around the garden to mark plants, herbs, or for inspirational thoughts.

“Our family has always loved to garden. We use the fresh produce that grows in our garden in our cooking,” Opstad said. “So, when I was 13, I made my mom a custom garden marker for Mother’s Day. She loved it. The markers grew to be popular amongst our friends and family, and they started buying the markers.”
Opstad has sold more than 2,000 garden markers over the past five years.
“A big moment for the business was when I got an order for over 400 garden stakes from a philanthropist two years ago,” he said. “Now I have a partnership with the philanthropist. Each September she orders hundreds of stakes to give as gifts.”
There have been some challenges along the way for his business.
“Especially at the start, we had to figure out how to make the stakes sturdy enough, or what temperature worked best to heat the clay. Clay can be hard to work with because even one bubble can cause the piece to pop and break other pieces in the kiln. With time and patience, we have overcome those issues,” Opstad said.
The stakes range from about $10 to $20 depending on the size and shape. All proceeds go back into the business.
“We don’t have any sponsors or hold fundraisers,” he said.
After five years of being in business, Opstad has no plans to stop. His passion for the stakes only grows.
“This has been such an amazing learning experience. At the beginning, it was a way for me to make a little money while spreading joy. But, now I have learned so much more than what I have made. I have grown so much as a person because of this experience. I can’t wait for more,” he said.
Opstad hopes to expand his business by the end of the year.
“We are hoping to get our stakes in local farmer’s markets. We want to see how they do in the markets,” he said. “Then, the goal is to get our stakes into Walter Anderson Nursery in Poway, and at the local Armstrong Garden Center.”
Visit blakesstakes.com.