Club emphasizes community giving this month
By Mary Rea
Publicity chair
The members of the Scripps Ranch Women’s Club (SRWC) proudly embrace our motto “Women United in Community Spirit” and, as such, we are inspired to make a difference in the Scripps Ranch community. On Jan. 16, we kicked off our Scholarship Programs for graduating female seniors and this month we are emphasizing our annual community giving program. We are encouraging Scripps Ranch schools and local non-profit organizations to apply for donations to fund their respective projects.
We look forward to providing funds for our local schools each year with a primary focus on STEM-related projects as well as reading and literacy initiatives. In previous years, we have funded projects at Miramar Ranch Elementary, Dingeman Elementary, Ellen Browning Scripps Elementary, Jerabek Elementary, Thurgood Marshall Middle School, Scripps Ranch High School and St. Gregory the Great Catholic School.
Every year, we are pleased to make donations in support of the programs and projects of our Scripps Ranch community organizations. Emphasis is placed on projects that support the purpose and objectives of the SRWC and demonstrate support for our community. In the past, we have provided awards to the Scripps Ranch Friends of the Library, the Scripps Ranch Theatre, Symphony in the Park, and various SRCA community needs.
The application process is very simple and donation request forms are available on the SRWC website at srwomensclub.org/our-community-support. The application deadline is April 12, 2024. Recipients will be notified by June 30 and funding will be provided by July 1. For additional information or to discuss your project, please contact the Club’s Vice-President Sally Anderson at sallyb.anderson46@gmail.com.
Nothing says February quite like Chocolate! We welcomed February with a chocolate tasting and tour at Seabreeze Craft Chocolates where we sampled a variety of delicious sweets and learned about the processes involved in making chocolate. Our adventurous walking group took us to the San Diego Zoo Safari Park to enjoy hiking among the wildlife, lagoons, and lush gardens.
This was also a month for theatre-lovers who gathered at a pre-play cocktail party at the beautiful home of Lynn and Rick Parke. Thank You to the Parkes for hosting a lovely social gathering for our Club members, guests and spouses. The evening’s production of “Chapatti,” a charming romantic comedy, was a fitting love story for February and Valentine’s Day.
Our many, regular social activities continue to provide our members with fun and friendship, including Arts and Culture, Bunco, Bridge, Book Group, Fun and Games, Mahjong, and Walking/Hiking. To elevate the fun and sociability, a new Scrabble group was recently added to our Club’s offerings!
We welcome your interest in the Women’s Club’s many social activities, Scholarship Programs, and community involvement. For further information, please contact our Membership Chair Laurie Wenger at lauriewenger@hotmail.com or browse our website at srwomensclub.org.