Club kicks off scholarship programs
By Mary Rea
Publicity chair
SRWC General Scholarships
The Scripps Ranch Women’s Club (SRWC) has been in existence for more than 33 years and has many time-honored traditions. One of the most rewarding is providing scholarships to one or more female Scripps Ranch High School (SRHS) graduating students. With pride and excitement, we kicked off our Scholarship Program for 2024 on Jan. 16.
Specific information regarding the SRWC Scholarship application process and eligibility criteria is available through the SRHS Counseling Office as well as on the SRWC website at srwomensclub.org/our-community-support. In general, eligibility is based on a GPA of 3.5 or over, contributions to the community and participation in social and/or community organizations.
Eligible students interested in pursuing a scholarship from the SRWC are encouraged to submit an application package, including transcripts, a letter of recommendation and a personal essay. The final deadline for submitting applications and related documents is April 12, 2024.
Once the scholarship applicants have been screened by the SRWC Scholarship Committee, the finalists will be invited to an interview in early May. From the perspective of our Club members, the best part of this process is the interview where we have the opportunity to interact with the finalists in an enjoyable, conversational exchange and learn about their goals and ambitions for the future.
This year, the SRWC Scholarship Committee is co-chaired by Club members Betty Robertson and Barbara Hunter. Without a doubt, the Scholarship Committee is one of our most popular committees with members looking forward every year to meeting and interviewing applicants.
“It is amazing to see the wide variety of accomplishments from these young women who were raised and educated in our community,” said Co-Chair Barbara Hunter.
“We highly encourage local seniors to apply for scholarships because not only do we recognize their unique accomplishments, but we also provide assistance with educational expenses for college,” added Betty Robertson, our other co-chair.
Scholarship recipients will be selected in late May and awards will be presented at the SRHS Awards Ceremony on May 29. The Women’s Club plans a luncheon on June 22 to honor all of the scholarship recipients as well as their mothers.
Business Scholarship
In addition to the SRWC Scholarships, the Women’s Club offers the Kimbra Sellers Scholarship which was established by Brian Sampson in honor of his late wife Kimbra Sellers who was a past president and long-time member of the SRWC. This scholarship is awarded to a female graduating senior currently attending Scripps Ranch High School or living in Scripps Ranch, and planning to pursue a career in business.
Eligibility requirements for the Kimbra Sellers Scholarship include a 3.0 GPA or above, part-time work or volunteer background that provides practical experience, and a brief essay that demonstrates a strong interest in a career in business. Interested students may apply either to a two- or four-year college.
Similar to the SRWC Scholarship, detailed information regarding criteria and the application process can be obtained from the SRHS Counselling Office and the SRWC web site at srwomensclub.org/our-community-support. Completed application packets are due by April 12.
Club member Lynn Parke is chairing the Kimbra Sellers Scholarship Committee. This committee consists of members with strong business backgrounds.
“The business backgrounds of my committee members help create a fun and meaningful exchange, offering perspective and advice for applicants’ future careers,” Lynn said.
Similar to the SRWC Scholarships, the recipient of the Kimbra Sellers Scholarship will be determined in late May, presented with an award at the SRHS Awards Ceremony, and honored with her mother at a luncheon hosted by the Women’s Club on June 22.