Club members express community spirit
By Mary Rea
Publicity chair
Happy Holidays! The holiday season has arrived at the Scripps Ranch Women’s Club. A tour of the Hotel del Coronado in November was enhanced by The Del’s beautiful Christmas tree and the gorgeous decorations that adorned the hotel and grounds. This tour provided a festive start to the holiday season!
In December, we gathered together at our Annual Holiday Party at Yanni’s Bar & Grill for a delicious dinner buffet. The party offered a fun and festive celebration of the season and an opportunity to enjoy our friendships and time together. It was also the perfect time to express our community spirit by collecting and donating gifts and gift cards to the residents at Hidden Valley House (HVH). It is our long-standing tradition to strive to brighten the holidays for the women and children escaping domestic violence at HVH. Ultimately, our club affirms that giving to others is the true “magic” of the holidays and the most rewarding experience.
Thank you to our Social Committee and other members who planned both the Holiday Party and the charitable giving event. Appreciation is also extended to our many members who generously contributed to support the residents at HVH by bringing a little cheer to their holidays.
From food to décor, our various interest groups that met in December were in a holiday “state of mind.” Active this month were Bunco Groups, Mahjong, Bridge, Book Groups, Pickleball, and Adventure Walks. Our two book groups, in particular, embraced the holiday spirit by planning special activities. “Ranch Readers” enjoyed their Annual Holiday Luncheon and Book/Gift Exchange. Our other book group marked the holidays by reading “The Autobiography of Santa Claus” as told to Jeff Guinn. The various December interest groups were in a party mood and added to the holiday ambiance with gift exchanges and festive fun.
Plans are underway for the New Year with a traditional La Jolla Shores Beach Walk followed by a luncheon at Piatti’s. And there is a great deal of excitement among our Arts and Culture group for viewing the Blue Gold Exhibit – The Art and Science of Indigo at the Mingei International Museum in Balboa Park. Lunch at the ARTIFACT restaurant will follow the exhibit tour.
Also in January, we will kick off our Community Giving and Scholarship Programs with information on eligibility, how to apply and upcoming deadlines. If you are interested in additional information regarding the Women’s Club, please contact Lynn Parke, membership chair, at lparke@san.rr.com or visit our website at srwomensclub.org.