Club will celebrate 41 years of welcoming neighbors to SR
By Denise Stewart
For 41 years, the Welcome Club of Scripps Ranch has been gathering local women for entertainment events and outings that have spurred friendly relationships in the community. In February, club members will be celebrating the occasion at their regular monthly meeting.
When it all began back in the mid-eighties, many of the women were raising families, some were holding jobs, and all were looking for a way to be part of a local and friendly group. That’s when Becky McDonald brought them together and formed the Welcome Club of Scripps Ranch.
Many of those same women are still active in the Welcome Club and, over the years, many others have joined the fun. There are now about 140 members. Coffees, teas, card and board game and craft groups, book clubs and outings for lunch and a show keep the women socially involved.
On occasion, there are evening events which gather them with friends and spouses for food, drinks and entertainment.
At the regular place for monthly meetings, the Scripps Ranch Community Center, club members will be gathering at 7 p.m. on Feb. 8 to celebrate their 41st anniversary of having fun together.
If you would like to take part in the party, check out the website scrippsranchwelcomeclub.com and you will find contact information there. JoAnn Farmen, current club president, will be delighted to welcome you.