Club’s autumn schedule is full of entertainment
By Denise Stewart
Summer is fading, but autumn is making an amazing debut on the Scripps Ranch Welcome Club’s calendar.
Morning coffees, regular exercise sessions, lunch outings, afternoon games, book club and craft group gatherings, an evening meeting, potlucks and TGI gatherings, are all entertaining the membership this month and will again during the coming months.
September’s regular monthly meeting at the Scripps Ranch Community Center featured a presentation by a local resident and bird expert Dan Payne. He shared with the club his knowledge of the local feathered friends and also acquainted the group with many of the species that stop by our community during their annual seasonal migrations. Dan is the proprietor of our local Wild Birds Unlimited store. Learning how to attract birds to our yards and how to provide a healthy environment for our feathered friends made for an interesting evening.
The Gadabouts group led by Pam Savelsberg returned for a second visit to the Lazy Dog restaurant in Mission Valley this month. Many of the ladies who lunched together also took advantage of the location and shopped to update their fall wardrobes.
The usual trail walks, Bunco games and book talks attracted the regular participants who take part in these activities monthly. New members of the club can make choices of which events suit their interests and fit their schedules.
A morning coffee gathering at Lynnell Hallock’s home late in the month treated the ladies to a delicious brunch and friendly company all while enjoying her still beautifully blooming backyard.
A TGI potluck in the Binks’ backyard made for an enjoyable Saturday evening sharing dinner and pleasant conversations in the comfortable and unique gathering areas Alan has created on his large corner property.
The last planned evening event of September is the theatergoers’ potluck at Sharon and Garry Hays’s home. That festivity will precede the group’s attending the first play of the Scripps Ranch Theatre’s current season. The Welcome Club has been a regular supporter of our local theatre for many years. The raving reviews the play has had will, no doubt, draw an enthusiastic bunch to the TGI and the theatre afterwards.
The Welcome Club has two requirements for membership. The first is that you live locally. The second is that you show up and share the good times.
October will have an equally entertaining schedule of club activities. If being part of the Welcome Club appeals to you, visit scrippsranchwelcomeclub.com