Courtly Noyse in concert
The “Pleasure of Your Company” music series will welcome back Courtly Noyse on Sunday, Feb. 12, at 2:30 p.m. in the Scripps Miramar Ranch Library Center.
Garbed in period costume, this lively ensemble will play a variety of Renaissance period replica instruments and may also cast their instruments aside and burst into six-part vocal harmony. Experience their trademark blend of humor, imagination and versatility as you enjoy a delightful afternoon of Renaissance music.
There is no charge for the concert, which is sponsored by the Scripps Ranch Friends of the Library, although donations are appreciated.
Masks will be required for all audience members regardless of immunization status.
The Scripps Miramar Ranch Library Center is located at 10301 Scripps Lake Drive near Miramar Lake. Overflow parking is available on Meanley Drive off Scripps Ranch Boulevard. Visit www.srfol.org or call (858) 538-8158 for information.