Free Home Assessment Program available
By Karen Herreros
Prepare your home for wildfire with the Home Assessment Program.
The Fire Safe Council of San Diego County is now offering free home assessments in which you can learn more about how to meet your wildfire resilience goals with recommendations specific to your property. This is a 30-45 minute review of the vulnerability of your house and landscape to wildfire and ember ignition, including defensible space zones, home hardening principles and landscaping.
Review these steps to learn more about the program and how to participate:
Complete an application
Fill out an application on the www.firesafesdcounty.org/hap website to receive a free assessment. If you require assistance to complete the application, call their office at (619) 562-0096 and a staff member will provide assistance over the phone.
Schedule your assessment
Immediately after completing your application, there will be a confirmation pop-up to schedule your assessment. You will also receive the link to schedule via email. There are special days available based on ZIP Code. Schedule accordingly.
A staff member will arrive at your residence at the scheduled time. During the appointment, you can expect a review of wildfire resilience principles including defensible space zones, home hardening principles and landscaping suggestions
After your assessment is completed, you will receive a copy of the assessment with recommendations that will help you meet your goals. Participants are not required to complete recommended measures and the data collected will never be shared outside of the program.
Fire Station open house
Mark your calendar for Saturday, May 18, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., for an open house at Fire Station 37 in Scripps Ranch. More details next month.
Scripps Ranch Fire Safe Council, srfiresafe.org, srfiresafecouncil@gmail.com, (858) 201-3711.