Gardeners’ meeting is all about roses
By Denise Stewart
It’s chilly and dark early, so the Scripps-Mesa Garden Club members are still meeting indoors at the Community Room of the local library on the fourth Tuesday at 6 in the evening. It might be our version of winter, but members are looking forward to spring and their gardens bursting with blooms of fragrant roses.
To make sure their dreams come true, members will be learning the best techniques for creating beautifully designed rose gardens that are full of healthy, fragrant plants. The speaker for this month’s meeting will be Master Gardener Beth Van Bortel, who specializes in the growing of roses in our local micro-climate.
The Garden Club meets monthly with speakers and visits to nearby gardens in the longer evenings of spring and summer. For more information, visit scrippsmesagardenclub.com. Newcomers are welcome to the meetings and invited to join the local gardeners club.