Girl Scout Tree Lighting set for Dec. 3
By Katelyn McChesney
Scripps Ranch Girl Scouts Troop 3817 is very excited to be hosting this year’s Scripps Ranch Girl Scout tree lighting ceremony.
Something you should know about this year’s tree lighting is, although it is traditionally held at Jerabek Park, due to the improvements being made, we will not be holding it there this holiday season. Instead, we will be holding it at Hoyt Park on Dec. 3 from 3 to 5 p.m.
This year, the tree lighting will be hosted by junior Girl Scout Troop 3817 as they earn their Bronze award.
Some of the exciting things that will be at this year’s ceremony include the annual bake sale, crafts, Santa visits, a sing-along, and so much more!
Baked goods will be available for $2 each, and hot cocoa will be $1. Please bring your own mug for hot cocoa to help us be sustainable.
This year we are so excited to also be hosting a homemade jewelry and ornament sale. Funds raised from all sales will help to pay for event expenses and any extra funds will be donated to the Girl Scout S.H.A.R.E. program to help girls who cannot afford Girl Scouts memberships.
We also have some special VIP guests and performances happening this year starting at 3:30 p.m.
Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts are encouraged to bring a new, unwrapped toy for the annual Toys For Tots drive. All scouts donating a toy will receive a special patch.
Hope to see you at Hoyt Park on Sunday, Dec. 3 starting at 3 p.m.