Holiday gatherings highlight events
By Denise Stewart
October had a spectacular ending for the Scripps Ranch Welcome Club’s members at a Coffee at Mary Rea’s home. About 45 women enjoyed a lavish brunch and the company of their friends along with the dozens of ghosts, skeletons and goblins that celebrate Halloween at her home.
November has about 22 opportunities on the calendar for enjoying friendly events with the Welcome Club. Walking local trails, sharing books, making crafts, playing Bunco, sharing a festive coffee, enjoying a movie, lunching out, and gathering for the regular monthly meeting will all be keeping members busy having good times.
Near the end of the month, a potluck supper will add extra enjoyment to the month on the evening of the club’s attendance at Scripps Ranch Theatre’s performance of “Tiny Beautiful Things.”
December has a variety of holiday celebrations booked, but the highlights are the annual Christmas Coffee and a special Gadabout event to a musical that will take place at the Lamb’s Theater in Coronado.
The Welcome Club has been one of Scripps Ranch’s community assets since the mid-eighties. Its focus is bringing together local residents to enjoy their leisure time with their neighbors. If that appeals to you, check the club’s website at scrippsranchwelcomeclub.com and get the contact information you can use to join the fun.