Kiwanis Club preps for Holiday Market
The Kiwanis Club of Scripps Ranch is getting ready to hold its second annual Holiday Market & Bake Sale. The event will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 2 at Ellen Browning Scripps Elementary School, 11778 Cypress Canyon Road. There is no admission fee for shoppers, but donations to the club will be accepted.
The proceeds will go toward club funds that benefit children in the San Diego community.
There is already a wide assortment of handmade items from scheduled vendors this year, including jewelry, baskets, pet items, woodworking, candles, quilts, children’s clothes and soaps.
Holiday craft vendors are still being accepted. Vendors must make their own items. Interested vendors may contact Sue Lloyd, suelloyd7@gmail.com.
The bake sale goods are all made by local Kiwanis Club members. There will also be a raffle for a basket containing various items made by the participating vendors.