Lemonade for Lahaina was a huge success
Several entries were received this year for the annual summertime Scripps Ranch News Lemonade Stand Contest, and a few entrants revealed proceeds from their sales went to charities. But the description of one entry stood out because of its success.
The Lindner family of Scripps Ranch visited Maui, Hawaii, this summer and witnessed the destruction from the devastating wildfires in August. The Lindners, along with friends and neighbors, organized and held a “Lemonade for Lahaina” fundraiser. Their efforts raised $2,550, which they donated to the wildfire victims. Here is the story as told by mother Jami Lindner:
We juiced 25 pounds of lemons for fresh squeezed lemonade, and I baked 12 dozen sugar cookies. EJ baked 2 dozen Brookies and Talia Hight made a batch of fresh squeezed lemonade. We sold out.
We had multiple people either walk up or drive by handing us cash as a donation. We had several kids take money from their piggy banks to donate, and their parents matched their contributions. Some donations came through Venmo from friends that could not make it to the lemonade stand. Most of our customers that came for treats and lemonade over- paid and told us to keep the change for the fundraiser. It was incredible.
We were extremely fortunate we were able to leave Maui unharmed. My husband and I had talked to our kids about what happened and how much people were suffering in Maui. We wanted them to realize that just because we were home and life was normal that, unfortunately, many of those still in Maui don’t have homes or clothing.
My kids are 9, 6 (years old) and 6 months. The fundraiser was something they could play a major part in and help to give back.
When we told friends what we wanted to do they jumped in to help. Shannon Horton helped make more signs. Her oldest son is an incredible baker and made the Brookies. The Hight family helped with lemonade and sales. The Wroblewski family helped to set up and clean up. Countless other families brought their kids to flag down people driving by. We had no idea what to expect. I was hoping to raise a few hundred dollars, but our community blew us away.
This truly was a group effort and I’m so grateful for everyone who helped.