Newcomers find friends at the Welcome Club
By Denise Stewart
A few years ago, after their retirement Bev Macho and her husband moved to Scripps Ranch from Texas. They had some family already here, but like most folks they needed to make social connections in their new community. So, Bev joined the Welcome Club. She had fun times with the group, made new friends and just got elected to the office of president.
Debby Mayer, the new Welcome Club membership chair, has a similar story that started in New York and goes on here.
The new Sunshine chair, Vicky Bergman, followed her daughter here from Louisiana and found the Welcome Club helped her call The Ranch home.
Welcome Club is an active group with a full calendar year-round, but summer has special evening outdoor gatherings called TGIs. There was one this month and others are scheduled each month until the weather cools in the fall. The potluck suppers and congenial festivities in local backyards are a summer favorite.
The usual monthly Gadabout for June featured a movie followed by lunch at a nearby restaurant. This activity goes on all year since it doesn’t depend on the weather.
Morning Coffees are enjoyed regularly, also. These events delight the crowd with an array of brunch
dishes, savory coffee and the enjoyment of friends. June’s Coffee will be hosted by a new member of the club. July will feature a Coffee at poolside hosted by a team composed of a new member and another with more tenure. Coffees are already scheduled for August and September.
Our local theatrical treasure, Scripps Ranch Theatre, entertained a group of Welcome Club members with “Vanity Fair” this month. Before the play, there was a potluck supper at a member’s home. That gathering with each new play makes a pleasant start to a delightful Saturday evening. Like most evening activities, escorts are invited to take part.
June’s second Monday monthly club meeting featured a demonstration of stretching exercises that help with balance and feeling well. Gary Kite holds stretch classes on Tuesday mornings at the Community Center each week for those who take care to feel well.
An annual Welcome Club celebration in July will bring out a large crowd of members for their traditional Salad Supper. Held outdoors at the Community Center, the ladies will feast on delicious homemade summer treats. After dinner, lavish prize baskets donated by activity groups will be awarded to the luckiest members.
While these special events happen, the routine daytime meetings of book clubs, trail walkers, craft makers Mahjong enthusiasts and hikers make the Welcome Club an excellent source of enjoyable occasions shared with pleasant friends. Members appreciate both the convenience and regularity of these events.
Welcome Club has a website at scrippsranchwelcomeclub.com