Parking lot expansion continues
By SR Friends of the Library
Work continues on the Scripps Miramar Ranch Library parking lot expansion. The upper lot has been paved and striped, and it should be ready for use soon pending some additional landscaping and installation of lighting.
Then work will begin on the lower lot, which will be more extensive.
The number of on-site parking spaces is very limited. Thus, those who are physically able are encouraged to utilize the overflow parking along Meanley Drive which also includes more than 30 spaces in the water department parking lot and can be accessed from Meanley Drive just before entering the small roundabout. Map and directions: www.srfol.org/lib-loc-hours.htm.
Grace’s Book Nook
Visit Grace’s Book Nook, the volunteer-run used bookstore in the library, for bargains on gently used and nearly new books, magazines, DVDs, CDs, (new) greeting cards and more. It is open Mondays through Saturdays. Stock is frequently updated, so stop by often.
The Book Nook also stocks special floating duck food which children and adults alike can enjoy using to feed the ducks and other waterfowl living at Evans Pond, adjacent to the library.
The next Second Saturday “pop-up” book sale is on May 11, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. with expanded inventory and shopping area for your browsing pleasure.
Seeking book donations
Tax-deductible donations of “gently used” books are always welcome and can be brought to the library’s circulation desk. Or, if needed, a staff member or volunteer will be happy to assist transferring your boxes or bags of books from your vehicle into the library. The Book Nook will help find new, loving homes for your donated books, and you’ll be supporting the library. At this time, the Book Nook is especially seeking donations of fiction and nonfiction for adults. Receipts for tax purposes are provided.
Seeking volunteers
If you love books and/or the library, like to meet interesting people, and/or would like to find a fun way to “give back,” the Book Nook currently has openings for volunteers. Email booknook@srfol.org to learn more about opportunities with the Book Nook team.