Pop Warner signups are underway
By Hector Trujillo
The expectations are high for the new 2024 season after the Scripps Ranch Pop Warner JV cheer squad placed first in Division 1 Pop Warner Regional Competition and second place at Nationals in Las Vegas last season.
“Last year, we got to host the West Coast Conference Championship, which was a big deal for us,” said Scripps Ranch Pop Warner Football and Cheer Association Public Affairs Director Sandra Atkinson. “Our 10U team also won the championship at the 44th Annual Parkwood Pop Warner Championships.”
There are new deadlines coming up for the new Scripps Ranch Pop Warner Football and Cheer Association season for both football and cheer. One of the most important ones is June 7, which is the only day that cheer can do uniform fittings. This is a requirement, and there will be a fee for those not making that date since it means uniforms will need to be expedited with a representative being used, and it becomes a longer process overall.
That date is also the close of registration for regular priced season fees and, although registration remains open until the end of July, there will be a fee added later because equipment and uniforms cost more to be expedited as well. Practice begins in August.
Atkinson assured parents that the football program follows strict guidelines for safety during the season.
“We definitely follow the protocol that Pop Warner institutes. They have some of the nation’s most advanced safety measures,” Atkinson said. “We do ask that football players buy their own cleats and mouth guards. We try and make sure there’s no full-speed head-on tackling and we’re careful to teach the kids how to do these drills in order to keep them safe as they progress in their football career.”
Among these safety measures are limiting contact to 25 percent of football practice, which comes out to only one day a week.
Those in flag football have to be between the ages of five and seven on July 31. The age range for players to participate in the tackle football program is eight to 14 years old.
Those participating in cheer flag are cheerleaders who do not compete and do not need to purchase competition uniforms because they only cheer at the flag games. Ages for those in cheer flag are five to nine years old.
The competition cheer program ranges from ages five to 14.
“We would love more involvement from the community in helping at our home games,” Atkinson said. “They (volunteer positions) will be posted on our home page under events, and there’s usually five to six games per year at Scripps Ranch High School.”
Among the volunteer openings are concessions, merchandise, fundraisers, ticketing, gate security, announcer and master of ceremonies.
For more information, visit scrippsranchpopwarner.com.