Recent events entertain club members
By Denise Stewart
August made a very pleasant start on the Scripps Ranch Welcome Club calendar. Anne McClure hosted the group at a morning Coffee staged in her backyard overlooking the hills surrounding Lake Miramar. The breeze was pleasant, the shaded seating comfortable and the members-contributed brunch dishes were delicious. More than 30 were gathered for the monthly Coffee event where the Welcome Club celebrates the company of friends.
Toward the end of the month, club members will gather for another unique outdoor event at the home of the Carlquists. While summer evening gatherings known as TGIs are a regular part of the club’s social scene, this backyard offers an aviary experience along with the potluck dinner and drinks. Birds and blooms make the Carlquist’s property unique and the gathering there will be a special treat.
All month long the readers in the Welcome Club are meeting to discuss books, the walkers are spanning the trails, the Bunco players are rolling the dice and crafters are creating their treasures.
The monthly general meeting at the Scripps Ranch Community Center on the second Tuesday evening featured a lot of laughs. Debby Mayer, a published author and journalist, entertained the group with her wit and imagination sharing “Stories for Baby Boomers.” Cecilia Waters, program chair, has planned a varied schedule of enlightening and engaging programs for the Welcome Club to enjoy later this year. September’s meeting program will be a self-defense presentation by Gale Bryan. Also, for this fall, trips to the movies are being organized by Pam Savelsberg. “My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3” is on for Sept. 19. Evening potlucks followed by attendance at local theater performances are being scheduled by Bev Macho. “The 39 Steps” will be the first Scripps Ranch Theatre play of the new season.
Currently, the Welcome Club’s website is unavailable. Repairs and updating are ongoing. Try out the new look in a few weeks at scrippsranchwelcomeclub.com.