Seasonal events continue to entertain
By Denise Stewart
An outdoor potluck and a pre-theater party highlighted September’s Welcome Club’s evening social calendar. October’s occasions are switching to more daytime activities as daylight and warmth in the evenings slips away.
At the middle of the month, the Gadabouts Group gathered for a luncheon at Seasons 52. The menu there always pleases the diners, but the shopping afterwards adds a second reason to head to the UTC Mall with the group.
On Halloween eve, at Mary Rea’s home, the ladies will gather and join the witches, ghosts and goblins that have a reputation of haunting the house each year. Masks and costumes will give this month’s Coffee event a special personality that will add to the fun.
The Welcome Club’s monthly meeting, held on the second Monday of this month, featured a demonstration of craftmaking presented by Marianne Paul and the club’s craft group. While the group meets monthly to enjoy their hobby, it has been a while since they shared their creative talents and wowed the other club members.
The trail walkers who relish the outdoors around our Ranch have been exercising regularly. Their leader, Janelle Boustany, is inviting others to join them on their local adventures. The hiking group, lead by Nancy Hurwitz, is growing and venturing along more distant and challenging paths around the county.
While lots of club members are on the move, some like to gather for games and conversation. Bunco games are played in the evening under the leadership of Anne Steele and Leslie Bunnell. Book discussion groups meet to share their enjoyment of the written word. There are currently four groups, each at a different time of the day.
Welcome Club has been drawing Scripps Ranch neighbors together for more than 40 years. If you would like to learn more about the Circle of Friends, as they call themselves, check the website: scrippsranchwelcomeclub.com.