Sustainable Scripps Ranch: Upcoming Events
Sustainable Scripps Ranch wants the community to be aware of these events in October:
Earth Friendly Gardening
Saturday, Oct. 21, 10-11a.m.: Scripps Miramar Ranch Library, 10301 Scripps Lake Drive.
How earth friendly is your garden? The things you do in your garden have wide-ranging impacts. This talk will help you evaluate your current gardening practices and will suggest additional practices you can adopt to make your garden more earth friendly and sustainable. Making one significant change such as proper irrigation or mulching can have numerous positive effects on you, your garden, wildlife and the environment around you. If you’re interested in saving time and money creating a healthier environment, this talk is for you.
Garden Share to follow from 11a.m. to 1 p.m.
Friday, Oct. 20 (rain or clouds cancel). Sunset 6:09 p.m. East end of Stonebridge Parkway at West Sycamore.
Half moon visible through the star party and Jupiter, Saturn well positioned for the event. For deep space, check out the Owl Cluster in Cassiopeia.
Clean Up Day
Saturday, Oct. 21, 8 a.m.-noon or until the dumpsters are full. Clean up your neighborhood and place trash in dumpsters at: Scripps Ranch Technology Business Park on Meanley Drive or the Scripps Ranch Community Center at 11885 Cypress Canyon Road. They will be collecting regular household batteries. Please consider ways to keep items out of the landfill if they are still usable. Donate to a charity or consider Buy Nothing Scripps Ranch.
Sustainable Scripps Ranch is a standing committee of the Scripps Ranch Civic Association. To learn more about Sustainable Scripps Ranch, visit scrippsranch.org/ssr or email SustainableSR@scrippsranch.org.