Welcome Club blooms with summer events
By Denise Stewart
The annual Salad Supper, TGI outdoor potlucks and Coffees in garden settings are the highlights of the summer season for Welcome Club members.
While the warmer weather events are enjoyable, the club is gearing up for a change of season and another variety of social events. The regular group meetings and the special occasions make the club the year-round center of many local women’s social lives.
The Welcome Club’s August monthly meeting at the Community Center featured speakers from the Scripps Ranch Theatre who shared the program of plays for the upcoming season. Artistic Director Jill Drexler described the themes and lead performers for each of the season’s five productions. This is the local theatre’s 45th year of entertaining our community.
Welcome Club’s monthly meetings regularly feature presenters of interesting and entertaining topics. Cecila Waters, program chair, has a varied number of events planned for the rest of the year.
The excitement about the theatre season is enhanced by another friendly gathering. Each performance that the club members will be attending as a group will feature a warm-up potluck supper at a member’s home. The two events combined make for an enjoyable Saturday evening with only a short drive involved.
The Gadabouts group offers an opportunity to enjoy entertaining daytime outings each month. Sometimes it’s lunch and a movie, other events can involve a tour of an interesting place or special event. Pam Savelsberg is expert in organizing these occasions making them both convenient and enjoyable.
Sharon Hayes hosted a coffee at her home this month. The warm weather, comfortable environment and delicious brunch dishes created by club members made the morning a celebration of friendship. Outdoors and indoors, coffees happen most months of the year.
An outdoor TGI in Lynnell Hallock’s garden brought out the members and their famous potluck dishes to be enjoyed on a warm summer evening. Relaxed and friendly TGI gatherings are a special summer treat and an opportunity for the women to bring escorts to share in the good times.
Perhaps the word special doesn’t fit, but regular does and so does enjoyable when describing monthly gatherings. Bunco, card games, walking and book reading groups add to the opportunities to be with friends and enhance one’s chances of having a pleasant day.
Check the website for the group that has drawn local women to Welcome Club membership for more than 40 years: scrippsranchwelcomeclub.com.