Welcome Club celebrates the holiday season
By Denise Stewart
It’s still November, but the fun has already started. Welcome Clubbers are up to old and new tricks now that it’s safe to gather again.
The Gadabouts group, earlier this month, led by Pam Savelsberg, enjoyed the morning showing of the movie “Ticket to Paradise” and then went on to lunch. The conversation was light and lively following the film with favorite Hollywood stars and a humorous plot. Pam is making plans for a December holiday luncheon that will, no doubt, be festive as well as delicious.
The Playgoers had a potluck supper the second weekend and later that same evening enjoyed Scripps Ranch Theatre’s opening night performance of “Extreme Makeover.” This playgoing event has long been popular with club members. The enthusiasm for the evening gathering, tasty buffet and a trip to the local playhouse are making this a well-attended occasion once again. Bev Macho is currently organizing these theatre events. She and her husband Ken hosted the 2022-2023 Playgoers season kickoff at their home in October. Alan Binks hosted the festivities this month.
In the middle of the month, after the regular business, the club meeting featured a local a capella choir known as Bella Voce. The performance made for a joyful musical beginning to the holiday season. The music was sweet enough, but those gathered also enjoyed an ice cream social to top off the evening.
While all these special events are taking place, the Welcome Club’s regular interest group meetings are going strong.
Cooler weather is making the local paths even more inviting for the Trailwalkers. Fresh air, exercise and friendly chats make this group an especially energetic part of Welcome Club. The leader, Janell Boustany, plans the three-times-a-week walks on a variety of trails among our treasured eucalyptus trees and sometimes around our scenic lake.
Book clubs are meeting regularly to share their reactions to their reading selections. Four separate groups meet monthly for discussions and a snack.
Crafters, led by Sheryn Scherer, are using their artistic talents to make special items for their enjoyment.
Each month, innovative ideas and experiences stimulate this group’s creativity.
Bunco players are back rolling the dice after taking a covid hiatus. It’s an evening event and they are bringing veteran and inexperienced players together for some fun in the easy to play game.
As the Christmas season nears, Welcome Club members are continuing support of Operation Holiday Joy. The women are contributing checks and gift cards to the San Diego Armed Forces YMCA’s annual holiday fund. Young military families will have a merrier celebration with the help of this charity.
And coming on December 12, the annual Holiday Party and gift exchange will bring the club’s year to a celebratory close.
Welcome Club invites those who would like to learn more about the group to check its website: scrippsranchwelcomeclub.com. Joining might be a perfect way to end the year with new friends and then begin to look forward to 2023 and new activities.