Welcome Club summer events: lively and fun!
By Denise Stewart
There are many benefits to living in beautiful Scripps Ranch, and the Welcome Club is definitely on that list. The club’s membership has lots of experience in gathering neighbors and staging enjoyable social events.
The Welcome Club’s summer calendar of activities has everything from a Celtic fest, to a salad supper, to outdoor morning coffees and evening socials, to excursions to the mountains to visit lions and tigers and bears.
For the first time, the club is requiring members to contact JoAnn Farmen to let her know that they will be attending the popular salad supper scheduled for July 10.
The Welcome Club has lots of unique events, but also enjoys a monthly routine of book clubs, game groups, craft makers, and trail walkers. It’s a perfect way to enjoy leisure for long-time residents while also being a perfect way for newcomers to make friends and to get comfortable with our community.
The website scrippsranchwelcomeclub.com is a convenient way to learn more information about this Scripps Ranch organization which has flourished for more than 40 years. Contact information is there and inquires will be warmly welcomed.