Welcome Club TGI brings friends together
By Denise Stewart
Evening potlucks on the patio and morning coffees by the pool are bringing neighbors together for pleasant summer events sponsored by the Scripps Ranch Welcome Club.
In June, Sue Cauble invited club members to her garden for a Mexican themed potluck. Along with the delicious dinner contributed by members, Sue made a special traditional Mexican cocktail available to add spice to the menu. There were lots of friendly conversations and new friendships made while dining among the greenery that evening.
The traditional Summer Salad Supper started off this month’s club events. For more than 40 years, the club has feasted together each July to celebrate the delight of living in Scripps Ranch. JoAnn Farmen has coordinated this annual gala a few times and knows just what best entertains the ladies.
Fabulous gift baskets were donated by the various interest groups in the club. This year’s theme of Flowery Explosion inspired members to create elaborate baskets that were given away as prizes. Lynnel Hallock adorned the dining tables with lavish floral arrangements. Both were highlights of the evening.
July’s poolside Coffee, hosted by Denise Forgeron and Sylvia Parsons, had a patriotic theme in commemoration of our nation’s birthday. The tasty breakfast dishes added to the members’ appreciation of being part of our great country, our pleasant community and our friendly club.
July’s TGI evening party around the pool at MaryAnn and Hilliard Harper’s home will again feature a potluck and casual mingling in the company of friends. TGIs are a comfortable occasion for newer members and their companions to get to aquainted with other club members.
August will feature more special summer events as well as the usual meetings of the Welcome Club’s interest groups that go on all year. The crafters will be creating, the walkers will hit the local trails, the readers will discuss their books and the game players will deal their cards or roll their dice.
Monthly meetings of the Welcome Club membership feature entertainment, learning experiences and social times. Cecilia Waters, the program chair, has a variety of events planned in the coming months. August’s meeting will feature Jill Drexler, artistic director; Cristyn Chandler, box office and patron services contact person; and Carla Neil, group sales liaison at the Scripps Ranch Theatre. They will share the upcoming play agenda. Coming in the fall when the theater season resumes, pre-play potlucks will replace the outdoor TGIs. Evenings at the Scripps Ranch Theatre performances entertain the group regularly.
Welcome Club members meet on the second Monday of the month at the Scripps Ranch Community Center at 7 in the evening.
The Welcome Club is an active group, and all the activity happens locally in the company of friends. To learn more visit scrippsranchwelcomeclub.com.