Welcome Club’s events keep perking along
By Denise Stewart
There were several routine occasions for Welcome Club members to gather in September, but the general meeting, a coffee gathering, a Gadabouts trip to a movie and lunch, a potluck along with a night at the theatre, and lastly a TGI garden party, were the highlights.
The book clubs met, the bunco group played their game, the crafters enjoyed their creations and the walkers trailed among the trees as usual.
Among the highlights: self-defense instructor Gail Brian made her second presentation to the club at the meeting on the second Monday at the Community Center. Gail reviewed her basic strategies that enable women to have confidence in their ability to protect and defend themselves should a dangerous situation involve them. Practice and training in the use of practical weapons like car keys was a benefit to the group.
In the middle of the month, JoAnn Farmen hosted a Welcome Club favorite gathering. Coffee and brunch dishes filled the dining room while the ladies grouped under the trees and friendly chatter filled her garden. More than 30 members gather for this morning social event hosted by different members each month.
Scripps Ranch Theatre presented a surprise performance to begin their new season and Bev Macho, on short notice, put another pre-play potluck together. The group enjoyed it before they went on to the performance. More of these evening events will take place as the theatrical season unfolds.
Many moviegoers remember the first two Greek Wedding flicks. This month local ones joined up to laugh at the third edition before they went to lunch together. Pam Savelsberg organizes these Gadabouts for the Welcome Club and schedules a fun occasion every month.
To celebrate the last of the warm summer evenings, Sue Cauble hosted a TGI party at her home. The potluck dishes created by members dazzled the crowd, and the comfortable mixing of members and their guests also makes a TGI an evening event looked forward to.
The Welcome Club is still renovating its website, so while that might not be available, check around among your neighbors if you want to know more about the group. It has been part of Scripps Ranch’s social life for more than 40 years. Chances are a neighbor is a member and can answer your questions.