Women’s Club launches 2022 scholarship programs
By Lynn Parke and Madeline Pantalone
The Scripps Ranch Women’s Club (SRWC) has a long history of philanthropic giving that benefits our community. The members just completed a successful Annual Holiday Gift Drive for families seeking temporary shelter and support services at the Hidden Valley House Domestic Violence Shelter, delivering more than 80 unwrapped gifts for the children and gift cards for the parents (see photo).
Now, the Club is turning its efforts to the launch of the Annual Scholarship Program.
SRWC Scholarship
Each year, the Club awards one or more scholarships to female students from the graduating class at Scripps Ranch High School. This year, the program is being spearheaded by Co-chairs Mary Ann Harper and Sally B. Anderson.
“This is always a great experience for the Scholarship Committee members,” Mary Ann explained. “These young women are impressive, accomplished and articulate.”
The applicants demonstrate strong academics and a commitment to community service. Successful applicants have a 3.5+ GPA, have applied to an accredited community college or university, demonstrate personal contributions to the community and are active in school and/or community organizations.
The process begins in January when the SRHS Counseling Department posts this year’s information about the scholarship. The information is also posted on the SRWC website. Applicants have through March to submit all the documentation to the SRWC.
Committee members review all applications and accompanying transcripts, letters of recommendation and personal essays, and identify which applicants they will interview. The final selection is made in early May, and the scholarships are awarded at the SRHS Senior Awards Assembly at the end of the school year.
Last year, scholarships were awarded to Delphine Maurer, Katie Nguyen and Sara Marie Reed.
“Soon after the awards assembly, the scholarship recipients and their mothers joined us for a celebratory luncheon at Yanni’s,” Sally B. Anderson said. “It was very gratifying to hear how much they appreciated the scholarship and our support.”
Kimbra Sellers Scholarship
In memory of a beloved SRWC past president, the Kimbra Sellers Scholarship was established by her husband and is administered by the SRWC.
It is awarded annually to one female graduating senior who is currently attending Scripps Ranch High School or living in Scripps Ranch, planning to pursue a career in business, and is applying to either a two or four year college.
The successful applicant will have a 3.0+ GPA and part time work or volunteer experience providing practical experience and demonstrating personal initiative. Additionally, she will submit a brief essay about her interest in business.
Coordinating the process is SRWC’s Lynn Parke.
“I’ve asked Club members with business backgrounds to help by reviewing each applicant packet and interviewing the finalists. It makes for mutually interesting and fun conversations,” Lynn said.
The timeline for this scholarship is the same as that of the SRWC Scholarship.
Last year, Kimbra’s husband Brian Sampson awarded Esha Walia with the first scholarship in Kimbra’s name.
“She is a very impressive young woman, and I know Kimbra would have related to her thoughtfulness, enthusiasm and ability to clearly explain her goals,” Brian stated.
Visit srwomensclub.org. Scholarship information is on this page: srwomensclub.org/our-community-support.