Women’s Club offers variety of enticing programs
By Mary Rea
The Women’s Club definitely offers something for everyone given our many and varied programs, opportunities to give back to our community, and the fostering of friendships and social connections for our members.
October provided a full schedule of highlighted events. The artistic abilities of our members were on full display as they decorated holiday centerpieces using pumpkins of all shapes, sizes and colors, and embellishing them with gorgeous succulents. The results were stunning! Thank You Susan Barnett for organizing and instructing us.
Many of our popular groups were featured in October, including our Walking Group that promoted a brisk and refreshing beach walk in Coronado; as well as our Arts and Culture group that organized a docent-led tour of the Timken Museum of Art in Balboa Park. A delightful luncheon at The Prado followed the tour. Joni Low planned and led the Coronado Beach Walk while Barbara Measelle and Deidre Spruce planned the Timken outing.
The new season of the Scripps Ranch Theatre will be greeted with enthusiasm! The production is the mystery/comedy “The 39 Steps.” As is our practice, a fun social evening will proceed the play, with a pre-theatre party to be hosted by Diana and Gary Whitney.
Our regular special interest groups continue to increase in popularity and liveliness, including Bridge, Bunco, Mahjong, Fun/Games, Arts and Culture, Walking/Hiking, and our Book Group “Ranch Readers.”
We embrace the motto “Women United in Community Service.” The Women’s Club has been in existence for more than 33 years where providing Annual Scholarships continues to be one of our most gratifying projects. Scholarships are granted to Scripps Ranch High School senior girls who demonstrate strong academic ability as well as service to our community. Additionally, we are very proud of our Community Giving Program that includes local schools, the Scripps Ranch Theatre, Friends of the Scripps Ranch Library, and Symphony in the Park. We were recently featured in the library’s newsletter thanking us for financing a signage system for the Children’s Library.
November promises more exciting programs for the Women’s Club, highlighted by a behind-the-scenes tour of Petco Park available to our members, their friends and significant others.
We welcome new members with open arms and encourage you to contact our Membership Chair Laurie Wenger if our Club sounds like a good fit for you! Contact Laurie at lauriewenger@hotmail.com or access our website at srwomensclub.org.