DSB kicks off concert series

DSB, a Journey tribute band, will open the 2018 Scripps Ranch Symphony in the Park concert series at 6 p.m. on June 10 in Hoyt Park. (courtesy photo)

DSB kicks off concert series

DSB is a band that performs the impressive song catalog of Journey as a tribute, and it will liven up Hoyt Park starting at 6 p.m. on Sunday, June 10, playing the first in the annual series of free, live concerts in the 2018 Scripps Ranch Symphony in the Park series.

While Journey’s popularity reached its height in the 1980s, its songs continue to bring joy to music lovers to this very day. Anyone familiar with Journey’s song list knows that hits like “Don’t Stop Believin’” will latch on to your mind in continual rotation long after listening to it. Perhaps it’s this familiarity that keeps their songs alive and DSB (using the acronym for “Don’t Stop Believin’”) will continue to land gigs and remain popular.

“Everybody loves it, whether you’re a hard rocker or a pop music connoisseur,” said DSB lead vocalist Juan del Castillo. “There’s middle ground there for anyone who loves music. It’s melodic rock.”

He said DSB plays about 40 gigs between Memorial Day and Labor Day each year. It’s the busiest time for the band. It seems Journey’s sound has stood the test of time.

“The younger generations recognize it from video games and television, whereas the older generations remember it from the radio and actually grew up with it,” del Castillo explained. “It’s timeless music and, lucky for us, it keeps us busy.”

The five-member group doesn’t dress like the members of Journey or try to imitate them. Instead, the performers try to sound as close to the original recordings of each song as possible, trying to keep the music authentic.

“The fact that we do it accurately and keep the integrity of the music, I think that’s what keeps people coming back,” del Castillo said.

He said DSB enjoys playing outdoor concerts at venues such as Hoyt Park, and performed in the local series a few years ago.

“It’s been a couple of years, but we’re glad to be back,” he said. “I like it. … It was really a good-sized crowd last time we were there.”

Those in attendance on Sunday can expect to hear all of Journey’s big hits, plus a few less popular songs mixed in to provide the concert with a bit of ebb and flow, del Castillo explained.

“Journey has 12 bona fide hits. You’re definitely going to hear those,” he said. “We’re also going to mix in some of our own favorites. Some of them might be B-sides or deep cuts.”

These concerts draw large crowds, with many attendees enjoying picnics on the grass and often dancing in front of the band stand. Del Castillo is expecting a real mix of fans as far as age is concerned.

“I guarantee you you’re going to see people in their 60s jumping up and down, and people in their preteens or elementary school age jumping up and down,” he said. “I think the music of Journey is the perfect cocktail for a wonderful afternoon for the entire family.”

DSB will play from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on Sunday, June 10 at Hoyt park, 10158 Aviary Drive. Parking is available on the streets. Dogs are not allowed, and plastic tarps are banned because they kill the park’s grass. Visit symphonyinthepark.org.

Visit DSB at dsbband.com, or search on social media for @DSB band.

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