This is our town: Burlingame

This edition of This is Out Town takes you on a walk through the San Diego community of Burlingame.

This is our town: Burlingame

Where You Want to Be Tours and Out of the Ordinary Group & Team Adventures presents the fourth in a video series showcasing the most unique places, hidden gems, mystery spots and urban legends in San Diego.

This new episode takes visitors on a “hidden” walking tour through the community of Burlingame.

This tour includes beautiful homes, a cool canyon thick with vegetation and a quick look at the commercial district.

This new video is highlighted in “This is Our Town,” a series of unique tours through San Diego. “This is Our Town” is the work of Marc and Darlynne Menkin, longtime San Diego residents who own Where You Want to Be Tours (wheretours.com/) and Out of the Ordinary Group & Team Adventures (groupadventures.com), creating unique team building experiences, San Diego treasure hunts and creative local tours. These two are experts regarding San Diego’s hidden treasures.

Their company conducts this hike as a Wellness Walk for corporate groups, family reunions and meet up groups.

It also offers an Urban Challenge Scavenger Hunt and Limo Scavenger Hunt. For more information, call Darlynne or Marc Menkin: (619) 917-6037.

2,043 thoughts on “This is our town: Burlingame
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