A tour and a feast are on the agenda
By Denise Stewart
Scripps-Mesa Garden Club has been touring members’ gardens during this growing season, but July’s meeting will feature a guided walk-through at The Glen.
The rocky hillside on which this senior residence is perched presented many challenges to the landscape designers when the facility was being created. How they overcame the difficulties and what they did to provide an attractive landscape surrounding the living units was enlightening for those of us with experiences limited to our backyard challenges.
Providing space for the seniors to enjoy growing their own vegetables and flowers was a priority in the designers’ plans since gardening is a healthy activity and part of an enjoyable day in the fresh air.
August’s meeting of the Garden Club will be more of a traditional occasion as they celebrate the fruits of their labors with a potluck supper at a member’s home.
Scripps-Mesa Garden Club has been part of this community’s benefits since the 1990s. The group meets monthly on the fourth Tuesday. During the longer evenings, tours of gardens enhance the learning experiences. During the shorter days, the members gather at 6 p.m. at the local library to benefit from Master Gardeners and other knowledgeable speakers.
More gardening information and club contacts are available on the website: scrippsmesagardenclub.com.