Club welcomes back social life
By Denise Stewart
An outdoor evening TGIO celebrated the return to the Scripps Ranch Welcome Club’s traditional social schedule. For many years, club members agreed that TGI meant Thank Goodness It’s a reason to get together. The meaning has been revised to Thank Goodness It’s Over.
Ghean Maximo hosted the event for the club in her backyard on July 16. The club enjoyed sharing their celebratory beverages and canapes while savoring the company of friends.
The Welcome Club’s August schedule is alive again with a Coffee Klatch, book clubs, trail walks, Bunco,
lunch out and a regular monthly meeting. That will feature a Getting To Know You activity that will refresh relationships and promote some new ones among club members. Refreshments will follow.
Coming in September, the annual club dinner festivity will take on a new style and the title “Welcome Back.” The event will take place in the evening and feature a Mexican theme with colorful décor, catered food and music from our neighboring nation. The raffling of elaborate gift baskets that always draws a crowd will be, once again, a featured event of the evening.
Plans are being made for the October and November monthly club meetings. They include a presentation by an organization meeting individual’s needs during the pandemic and an art experience conducted for all to enjoy.
JoAnn Farmen has agreed to remain in her post as president to guide a newly elected board of directors as they gain experience in their leadership roles.
Local women are invited to learn more about this energetic social group at its website scrippsranchwelcome.com. Contact information is there and JoAnn will be delighted to respond to your inquiries.