Garden Club takes garden tour
By Denise Stewart
For Scripps-Mesa Garden Club members, being out in their yards among their flowers and veggies has been a comforting substitute for a social life during the COVID retreat. But most have had enough of talking to their plants and are eager to meet and share their horticultural successes with other club members.
This month, members gathered at the garden of a member to view what is thriving under her care. Following the tour and talk about her gardening experiences during this very dry spring, the members enjoyed a snack and the pleasure of the company of fellow hobbyists.
To celebrate the growing season and to enjoy sharing some of their crops, the gardeners will hold their annual potluck supper in August in a comfortable outdoor venue.
Scrippsmesagardenclub.com is the website you can check to get contact information on where and when the club will be meeting for the next few months. The Scripps Miramar Ranch Library meeting room is the usual location, but it is unavailable just now. The fourth Tuesday evening is the usual date each month, but because of the necessary flexibility in meeting places, dates may vary for a while.