Historic time capsule project for kids

Historic time capsule project for kids

Children probably recognize these are very different times they are going through, but they might not be aware of the fact that they are living through a very historic time as well. Now, kids can put together their very own time capsule using a free 11-page pdf file. Parents need only print the pages and their children can participate in all the activities to put together a time capsule project that they can keep their entire lives.

Natalie Long, a graphic designer and stay-at-home mother of two youngsters in Medicine Hat, AB, Canada, offered the project to the public on her Facebook page (@LongCreations).

Here is a link to the My 2020 COVID-19 Time Capsule: COVID-19TimeCapsule.pdf

See more of Long’s items on her Etsy page:

1,245 thoughts on “Historic time capsule project for kids
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