Landscape expert addresses Garden Club
By Denise Stewart
Native landscaping, which naturally flourishes with a low water demand, is becoming the focus of many local gardeners. Lack of rain and the cost of piped-in water are encouraging a trend away from sprinkler dependent trees and shrubs toward plants that grow naturally on what Mother Nature provides for them.
Responding to the trend, Scripps-Mesa Garden Club’s featured speaker this month is a local expert and author on the subject. Lucy Warren, a UCCE Master Gardener and horticultural chair on the board of Friends of Balboa Park, will share her knowledge on Oct. 25 in the Community Room of the local library. The meeting begins at 5:45 p.m. with a brief plant share and social time.
The Scripps Mesa Garden Club will meet again in November for a holiday potluck and resume its monthly schedule on the fourth Tuesday in January.
Locals with an interest in gardening are invited to join the club. Dues are $30 for the year. For additional information, visit scrippsmesagardenclub.com.