Scripps Ranch Welcome Club is blooming again

Scripps Ranch Welcome Club is blooming again

By Denise Stewart

The Scripps Ranch Welcome Club has been watching out for the well-being of its members for a while now, so many regular activities have been on hiatus. But with warmer weather and COVID numbers falling, the women are resuming more outdoor activities and making plans to fill the club’s social calendar for the spring.

Having celebrated the Welcome Club’s 41st birthday in mid-February, club members are looking forward to a tour and lunch at the Safari Park at the end of the month. Pam Savelsberg is currently taking sign-ups for that club Gadabout among the lions and tigers and bears. The admission to the park is free for seniors this month, so she expects an enthusiastic response to this adventure.

The Trail Walkers have been able to maintain their twice weekly schedule of jaunts around the green areas of Scripps Ranch while observing current health advisories. Janelle Boustany, group leader, has some special paths picked out for ambling this spring. Fresh air and exercise are very popular with club members, and the walkers have been known to chat.

The book clubs have been taking advantage of the outdoors, too. Now with four groups meeting to talk about their current reads, the patios and backyards have worked just fine as venues for the literature lovers and their discussions.

Coming up on the first of March, Denise Forgeron will host a Mardi Gras themed Coffee Klatch at the Scripps Ranch Community Park. She and her co-hostesses will be stacking the bagels, icing the muffins and perking the coffee for an open-air celebration of spring and friendship. Members will gather that morning to enjoy a favorite Welcome Club event once again. 

For the March 14 meeting, the Welcome Club members are encouraged to invite the other female members of their families to join them in learning from Gayle Bryan, author of “Every Woman Can, Self Defense for Women.” Bryan teaches  women how to protect themselves from violence.

Welcome Club has maintained a loyal enrollment of about 140 women for several years now. However, new members are always greeted with enthusiasm, and this spring would be a perfect time to join the fun. Check out the website to acquaint yourself
further with the club’s activities. There is contact information there, too.