Springing back with fun activities
By Denise Stewart
Now that it is safe to gather again, the Scripps Ranch Welcome Club is returning to its busy monthly schedule of activities. The calendar promises many opportunities for local ladies to have pleasant experiences here on the Ranch and around the city.
March started off with a Coffee Klatch in the Community Park. That event drew a cheerful crowd to celebrate the arrival of spring and Mardi Gras among friends.
The book clubs are meeting again. Trail Walkers continue to benefit weekly from the fresh air, exercise and friendly chats. Bunco games have resumed also.
At its March regular monthly meeting, the members benefited from a demonstration of self-defense techniques for women. A social time with tasty treats followed.
Theater Night is back on the calendar. Members are looking forward to the season’s selection of live theater and pre-play dinners. Welcome Club has enjoyed the talented performers at Scripps Ranch Theatre since it’s early days and is glad to be back front row, center.
Another of the club’s celebrations of the season will take place at Balboa Park’s Japanese Garden. A tour of the cherry blossoms will be enjoyed along with lunch at the Tea House.
April’s Welcome Club schedule looks equally pleasurable. The monthly meeting will feature a Speed Meet and Greet that will enable newer members to get acquainted with other newcomers and veteran members of the club in a relaxed, but organized manner. The gatherings of the groups mentioned above will continue and seasonally appropriate events will be added to the calendar in the coming weeks. Another Coffee Klatch, Theater Night, and Salad Supper are already on the list.
For more information about Welcome Club, check the website scrippsranchwelcomeclub.com where you will find contact information. The club has been active for more than 40 years and is always open to new members and new ways to enjoy our circle of friends.