The best way to store water
By Suha Chari
What is the best way to store water? We’ve all had this question at one time or another.
And the answer is, in the ground! But how?
That is the question we hope to answer, with the help of the community, on two weekends in March, with our Rainwater Capture Tour: Saturday, March 16, 9:30 a.m.-noon; and Sunday, March 24, 1:30-4 p.m.
Some of our neighbors have kindly agreed to open up their front yard, backyard, or both, for us to see and learn about the different ways of holding on to more water. Here are some:
• Slowing water down in swales (dry stream beds) so it penetrates better, feeding and nourishing the plants and soil.
• Creating depressions and filling them with branches and mulch, so they absorb more of the water.
• Planting thirsty plants near the downspouts through which much water flows down into the ground.
You will also see examples of water smart landscaping, updated irrigation and edible gardening, with experts on hand to answer your questions. For more info visit: scrippsranch.org/rainwaterharvest24.
However, if, having lived through the drought years here in California, you’re still not convinced of the need for storing water, I seek your indulgence for a few more minutes.
At present, about 85 percent of our water comes from the Colorado River, traveling long distances through the aqueduct, costing us dearly. And now the Colorado watershed is also in trouble: www.audu-
Water that runs off our driveways and roofs may carry harmful chemicals, which end up in the storm drains and on to the sea, harming many aquatic creatures along the way. This can be prevented by capturing it in the ground, which then removes much of that contamination.
On the plus side, the benefits of water capture are myriad – We can:
• Grow our own food, and share it, too.
• Along with compost and mulch, increase, many fold, the capacity of our soil to hold water.
• Prevent water damage and incursion into our homes.
In short, we can always have a vibrant yard that gives us shade, cools the surroundings and becomes a peaceful, beautiful and bountiful haven for all.
Sustainable SR events at Scripps Miramar Ranch Library:
• Garden Share; March 9, 2 p.m.
• Pure Water presentation; March 15, 10 a.m., Community Room. Will inform Scripps Ranch of the status of the Pure Water Project, and particularly the Scripps-Miramar Lake efforts.
Sustainable Scripps Ranch is a standing committee of the Scripps Ranch Civic Association. To learn more about Sustainable Scripps Ranch, visit scrippsranch.org/ssr or email SustainableSR@scrippsranch.org.