The Heroes are a hit!

(photo by Ralph LoVuolo)

The Heroes are a hit!

The Heroes took Hoyt Park by storm Sunday, July 15, as they played to a highly appreciative audience during their performance in the Scripps Ranch Symphony in the Park concert series.

The band, consisting of Mattie Mills, Amber Lee Duke, Tom Boyd, Laymon Davis, Mark Moorhead, Val Kosdovinov and Art Fisher, played songs stretching from the 1960s to the present.

At one point, one of the singers ventured out and sang Taylor Swift’s “Shake it Off” with the kids in the audience.

The last song of the evening was an excellent rendition of Bruce Springsteen’s “Rosalita.”

The park was packed with Scripps Ranch families all enjoying the music and camaraderie with their neighbors. 

Photos by Ralph LoVuolo. Visit

(photo by Ralph LoVuolo)
(photo by Ralph LoVuolo)
(photo by Ralph LoVuolo)
(photo by Ralph LoVuolo)
(photo by Ralph LoVuolo)
(photo by Ralph LoVuolo)
(photo by Ralph LoVuolo)
(photo by Ralph LoVuolo)
(photo by Ralph LoVuolo)
(photo by Ralph LoVuolo)
(photo by Ralph LoVuolo)
(photo by Ralph LoVuolo)
(photo by Ralph LoVuolo)
(photo by Ralph LoVuolo)
1,716 thoughts on “The Heroes are a hit!
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