Welcome Club celebrates 40-plus years
By Denise Stewart
It is a pleasure to know that the founder of the Welcome Club of Scripps Ranch from more than 40 years ago is still active and enjoying the social events of this community’s group. Becky MacDonald and 130 newer Welcome Clubbers will launch another year of friendship and frolic, and will celebrate their installation of officers in May.
Coming up on the club’s May calendar are the usual book discussions, trail walks, Bunco games and craft gatherings. Members get to pick and choose from the lively list of interest groups that keep participants active and smiling.
Members are looking forward to the May Coffee which will be enjoyed at Sue Cauble’s home.
In April, Kate Schaap and her team hosted that monthly occasion and treated the ladies to a brunch to remember.
A monthly movie and lunch are a pleasant routine event for the Welcome Club members. The film in May is featuring Hollywood beauties from our young adult years who will be discussing books on the screen. Afterward, the viewers will be enjoying lunch and laughing again at their jokes.
Coming along in June will be the fixed monthly interest groups, an evening theater event, a movie, and the coffee as well as the meeting at the Community Center on May 8 at 7 in the evening.
For more information about the club, you are welcome to check out the website scrippsranchwelcomeclub.com. It is the uncomplicated way to start a new set of relationships when you are new to the Ranch, newly retired or an empty nester seeking more social contacts.