Be prepared for fire emergencies
Here are some tips about how to prepare for possible fire emergencies in Scripps Ranch:
Preparing for fire risks
• Stay Informed: You will be advised of potential evacuations as early as possible. Listen to local radio or TV for updates from authorities.
• Officials Decide: Fire officials decide when and where to evacuate based on the fire, wind and terrain.
• Law Enforcement Role: Police enforce evacuation orders. Follow their directions right away.
• Order & Warning: These terms alert you to the significance of the danger. Other terms like “precautionary” and “immediate threat” might be used too.
• Act Fast: In severe wildfires, there is no time to waste. If advised to leave, do so without delay.
• Don’t Wait for Orders: It’s safer to leave before a mandatory order is issued.
• Stay Alert: You may be directed to temporary assembly areas to await transfer to a safe location.
• Help Firefighters: Don’t return home until fire officials notify you that it’s safe to do so.
Returning home safely
Don’t get scammed after fires. Here are tips to avoid being victimized.
1. It is illegal for a public adjuster to advance money as an inducement to sign a contract.
2. Public adjusters may not offer referral fees in excess of $100.
3. Public adjusters may not have an interest in contractor, demolition company or any entity making repairs to your property.
4. Public adjusters may not use a badge to rush you into signing a contract.
5. Be aware of anyone attempting to rush you into signing a contract.
6. Be aware of any contractor attempting to have you sign a contract or begin demolition.
7. Be aware of any attorney urging you to sign any documents.
Scripps Ranch Fire Safe Council, (858) 201-3771, srfiresafecouncil@gmail.com, www.srfiresafe.org