Cassity is honored by high school
Longtime Scripps Ranch resident Beverly Cassity was recently chosen to be inducted into the Kearny High School Hall of Fame. She is a graduate of the Kearny High School class of 1964.
The school selects a few alumni for this high honor each year. The honorees are chosen by the Kearny High School Alumni Association based on their accomplishments within a handful of categories. This year, Cassity was chosen for her accomplishments in business.
Cassity joked that her reaction was, “Have you run out of important people?”
However, her business accomplishments clearly justify this honor. She ran a car transfer business, owned a national award-winning cheerleading gym and operated the original Scripps Ranch Farmer’s Market.
Today, Cassity is the manager of the “new” Scripps Ranch Farmer’s Market and Family Festival, held from 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. each Thursday at 10045 Carroll Canyon Road.
“I think what caught the attention of my high school was that we took a chance on opening up the (new) Farmer’s Market in the middle of COVID because I was sick and tired of staying home,” Cassity said. “We wanted to do something to get everybody on their feet and back out again and meeting with friends and family. And we accomplished that.”
Although her award is in the business category, her legacy of volunteerism is just as strong. Cassity was heavily into volunteering for the first 11 years she lived in Scripps Ranch, she said. Besides running the original Farmer’s Market, she organized the old Scripps Ranch Community Fair for several years. She used to volunteer to be in charge of opening day festivities for the local girls softball league, the youth soccer league and Scripps Ranch Little League.
She has always stayed close to her high school, and still meets with friends who are former students she went to high school with each month.
“I volunteered to head up the committee for our class reunions since the day we graduated. So, every class reunion that’s happened since I graduate in 1964, I’ve been the head of the committee,” Cassity said. “We just had our 57th year reunion. … It was pretty cool.”
The Hall of Fame induction ceremony will be held April 29. Cassity’s name will be added to a permanent plaque that stays on display at the school.
“I was really proud because my grandchildren will be there and I wanted them to be able to see this to learn that if you work really hard, people will notice,” Cassity said.