Keep your guard up during holidays
First of all, we would like to thank our generous sponsors for their donations to our only annual fundraiser. In particular, The Glen at Scripps Ranch, Filippi’s Pizza Grotto Mira Mesa and Valley View Casino, as well as many others for their generous donations. And thanks to all our golfers for their participation.
Congratulations to our first place winners: Don McCormick, Larry Adams and Rick Israel.
With the holidays coming up, remember to keep your guard up, pay attention and remember if you have candles burning, is your fireplace safe from spreading embers? Sometimes when we get caught up in what is going on we forget to be vigilant.
Understand how an ember environment can spread a wildfire to structures. Maintain your structure’s exterior and what the 0-5 foot zone is, and why it is important.
Wake up Scripps Ranch residents! You can make a difference if you get prepared now!
Wishing everyone safe and happy holidays and Happy New Year.
For more information about the Scripps Ranch Fire Safe Council, visit srfiresafe.org, email srfiresafecouncil@gmail.com or call (858) 201-3711.