Library update
Library parking: The first phase of the Scripps Miramar Ranch Library parking lot expansion project is now complete, and the upper lot has reopened. Library visitors may note that some construction activity is occurring in the lower lot. This is, however, related to a valve replacement as part of the Pure Water Project which must be completed before work relevant to the parking lot expansion can resume. The lower lot remains completely closed to the public, and there is no access from the overflow parking area on Meanley Drive, so parking at the library continues to be even more limited than before. Visit www.srfol.org for more information.
The eventual completion of the parking lot expansion will add 47 more parking spaces to the original 70, plus a second exit to the parking lot with a traffic light.
Note: It is now possible to drive into the upper lot and return books to the outside book drop.
Upcoming holiday closure dates for the library are Tuesday, Dec. 24; Wednesday, Dec. 25; Tuesday, Dec. 31; Wednesday, Jan. 1; Monday, Jan. 20 (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day).