NEWS UPDATES: April 2021
Distinguished School:State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond announced that Marshall Middle School, under the direction of Principal Josh Way, is being honored under the 2021 California Distinguished Schools Program. The California Department of Education identifies and awards eligible schools based on performance and progress on state indicators specified on the California School Dashboard, the state’s accountability and continuous improvement system.
Garcia wins VAPA Award: The Visual and Performing Arts Department (VAPA) of the San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) announced that Scripps Ranch High School theatre teacher Patrick Garcia was honored with the Artistic Innovation Award, part of the 2021 VAPA Spotlight Awards. The VAPA Spotlight Awards celebrate transforming lives through the arts across SDUSD.
Honored to sing: Scripps Ranch resident Amalea Ribeiro, a high school student at San Diego School of the Creative and Performing Arts, was selected to sing the National Anthem for the San Diego Unified School District teaching awards. The district will hold a virtual celebration honoring the district’s Teachers of the Year on May 4. Ribeiro was filmed singing the National Anthem at Hoover High for the upcoming event.
SR Theatre: Scripps Ranch Theatre and Oceanside Theatre Company are coproducing a streaming piece: the one woman show “My Brooklyn Hamlet,” written and performed by Brenda Adelmen. This is a story about love and hate, passion and numbness, and how to find joy after you’ve lost everything. Streaming April 23-25 and April 30-May 2.
Tickets $22: scrippsranchtheatre.org/mybrooklynhamlet.
SR COVID numbers: The County of San Diego released the following COVID-19 total numbers recorded in the 92131 area as of April 20: 19,288 vaccinations; 1,270 cases; 8 deaths.
Correction: Scripps Ranch News incorrectly spelled the name of Sanjana Ganti, a Scripps Ranch High senior whose artwork was selected for exhibit in San Diego Museum of Art’s Young Art celebration.
SRHS graduation: Scripps Ranch High seniors will graduate at Petco Park on Sunday, June 13 at 11:30 a.m. The SRHS graduation parade will be Monday, June 14.
Powder Puff Game: The annual SRHS Powderpuff Football Game will be held May 16, 5:30-7:30 p.m. with a senior slide show to follow; food trucks after the game at 8 p.m.
Clean Up Day: The Rotary Club of Poway-Scripps will assist all who drive through for the Scripps Ranch Community Clean Up Day on May 15, 8 a.m.-noon at the Scripps Ranch Community Center, 11885 Cypress Canyon Road. The Rotary Club is partnering with Computers2Kids (C2K) to accept electronics for recycling. C2K accepts all working and nonworking electronics.
Taste of the Ranch: The Scripps Ranch High Foundation virtual “Taste of the Ranch” drawing is scheduled for May 1. Raffle closes at 3 p.m., April 31. Raffle tickets: srhsfoundation.org/totr.
New librarian: The new branch manager for the Scripps Miramar Ranch Library is Matt Beatty. He has experience managing libraries in San Diego and Philadelphia, most recently at the Ocean Beach Branch Library.