Plaque honors Dingeman at Mt. Soledad Memorial
As we approach Memorial Day, when we remember our Veterans and their service and sacrifice to defend our country, The Mt. Soledad National Veterans Memorial stands out as a hallowed place of honor for what they did. Within the memorial are more than 6,500 plaques commemorating individuals for their service and dedication on behalf of all of us.
It seemed fitting to draw your attention to the plaque for a very special honored resident of Scripps Ranch who devoted himself to his community of with the same zeal as he did in his service to our country. Bob Dingeman was a true hero, and his valor was remarkable in a 30-year U.S. Army career which included WWII, Korea and Vietnam.
For anyone wishing to visit the site, the plaque is in a very convenient and easily accessible location. When you drive up the access road to the memorial, the road splits to a circle around the cross. As you travel around to the right, you will see a wall on the left emblazoned with “Mt. Soledad National Veterans Memorial” along with the insignias of the five services. This is wall “J,” and his plaque is located on the other side of the wall roughly opposite the “L” in “Memorial.”
—Harry Mathis, Captain, USN (Ret.)