This will be a dry year: Wildfire app being planned
By Kristin Rayder and Karen Herreros, Scripps Ranch Fire Safe Council
We are experiencing a very dry year this year. Therefore, it is crucial that we pay attention to our bad habits regarding fuel mitigation around our homes, over which we have control.
Please pay attention to your surroundings in order to protect your homes and your neighbors’ homes.
We, at Scripps Ranch Fire Safe Council, are working on several projects for the benefit of the community. One in particular, which will be so exciting once completed, is an app for our phones which will identify fires in our community and potentially direct you to the optimal evacuation routes.
This is an expensive endeavor which is specific to our Scripps Ranch community. We hope that once we develop the app, we can share it with other fire safe councils and communities.
We have received a couple of minor grants but need additional funding in order to complete the project. If this is of interest to you, please feel free to make a donation of any amount. To donate, please go to our website: srfiresafe.org. Thank you – and we are excited to keep you up to date!
We are also planning our annual fundraising event, which is our 15th annual golf tournament. This year, we plan to golf at Maderas Golf Course in Poway on Oct. 23. It will be a shotgun start for distancing purposes.
We will keep you posted about this event! Please place this date on your calendar. We would love for you to participate!
If you are not a golfer, feel free to be a sponsor. We hope to have up to seven sponsor holes during the tournament. If you are interested in sponsoring, please email us.
Lots of exciting events for Scripps Ranch Fire Safe Council! Call (858) 201-3711 or email srfiresafecouncil@gmail.com.